Reel Injun: On the Trail of the Hollywood Indian

There is some nudity in the program as the film Anarajuiit: The Fast Runner is discussed.
Neil Diamond examines the portrayal of First Nations people in cinema. Diamond travels through the U.S. and shows how the myth of the "Injun" has influenced the world's understanding and misunderstanding of First Nations people. Diamond interviews individuals such as Adam Beach, Graham Greene, Robby Robertson, Sancheen Cruz Littlefeather and Clint Eastwood for their input. The program is divided into sections and takes the viewer on a journey, starting with the silent film era, where many First Nations people acted in, starred in and directed films. During the 1930s, the stagecoach films changed public perception by the depiction of the "brutal savage" and "Tonto speak." These subsequent films damaged First Nations people for decades. Little Big Man is one of the first movies to present First Nations as individuals and not as stereotypes. As cinema enters the 21st century, contemporary stories are coming to the forefront. First Nations actors, writers, songwriters and directors take lead roles in the film industry. Due to the length of the program, educators are encouraged to select portions of the program for classroom use.