Ressources éducatives vidéos en ligne
It remains the responsibility of educators to preview and select materials that best meet the needs of their students, school and community. Educators should choose resources in accordance with their school division's learning resources selection policy.
Examines images of women in advertising. It shows the viewer the "world of creative choices behind the image." Viewers begin to interpret the implicit and explicit messages about women in advertising images by analyzing particular techniques which are used to make the image.
- Duration 27:00
- Numéro d’identification V9424
- Numéro record R019728
- License Rights in Perpetuity
Résultat d'apprentissage/domaine d'étude/unité/contexte
Années scolaires
Utilisations suggérées
- Level 20 >  Media Studies
(Cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus pour trouver des titres de vidéos supplémentaires recommandées, avec suggestion d’utilisation spécifique.)