Newest Videos
Videos added within the last 30 days, videos most recently added are at the top
Les carrières du futur 7e à la 9e année
Series: Let’s Talk Science
Dans cette diffusion, les élèves se développeront dans les carrières du futur, en utilisant les Objectifs de développement durable comme cadre d'orientation pour mettre le doigt sur les défis mondiaux actuels. Ils vont envisager les technologies émergentes potentielles capables de relever ces déf...
Public Video
Enquêtes sur les semences 4re à 6e année
Series: Let’s Talk Science
Cette diffusion a été conçue en complément au projet TomatosphèreMC, une expérience scientifique hors du commun qui étudie les effets de l'espace sur la germination des semences de tomates. Pendant la diffusion, les élèves développeront leurs facultés d'observation et de prédiction tout en se pré...
Public Video
Enquêtes sur les semences 1re à 3e année
Series: Let’s Talk Science
Cette diffusion a été conçue en complément au projet TomatosphèreMC, une expérience scientifique hors du commun qui étudie les effets de l'espace sur la germination des semences de tomates. Pendant la diffusion, les élèves développeront leurs facultés d'observation et de prédiction tout en se pré...
Public Video
Careers of the Future Grade 7 to 9
Series: Let’s Talk Science
In this broadcast, students will delve into the careers of the future, using the Sustainable Development Goals as a guiding framework to pinpoint current global challenges. They will contemplate potential emerging technologies capable of addressing these challenges and craft job titles that encom...
Public Video
Seed Investigations Grade 1 to 3
Series: Let’s Talk Science
This Broadcast has been tailored to complement Tomatosphere™, an out-of-this-world science experiment that investigates the effects of space on the germination of tomato seeds. During the broadcast, students will develop their observation and prediction skills as they prepare to complete a seed i...
Public Video
Seed Investigations Grade 4 to 6
Series: Let’s Talk Science
This Broadcast has been tailored to complement Tomatosphere™, an out-of-this-world science experiment that investigates the effects of space on the germination of tomato seeds. During the broadcast, students will develop their observation and prediction skills as they prepare to complete a seed i...
Public Video
Oral Storytelling with Danica Lorer Grade 7 and 8
Series: LIVE Arts
Danica Lorer finds adventure in fields, forests, riverbanks, cities, small towns, and libraries. She is a storyteller, freelance writer, singer-songwriter, face and body painter, poet, and the host of Saskatoon’s literary arts program ‘Lit Happens’. She has had short stories and poems published i...
Public Video
Oral Storytelling with Danica Lorer Grade 5 and 6
Series: LIVE Arts
Danica Lorer finds adventure in fields, forests, riverbanks, cities, small towns, and libraries. She is a storyteller, freelance writer, singer-songwriter, face and body painter, poet, and the host of Saskatoon’s literary arts program ‘Lit Happens’. She has had short stories and poems published i...
Public Video
Oral Storytelling With Danica Lorer Grade 3 and 4
Series: LIVE Arts
Danica Lorer finds adventure in fields, forests, riverbanks, cities, small towns, and libraries. She is a storyteller, freelance writer, singer-songwriter, face and body painter, poet, and the host of Saskatoon’s literary arts program ‘Lit Happens’. She has had short stories and poems published i...
Public Video
Oral Storytelling With Danica Lorer - Grade 1 and 2
Series: LIVE Arts
Danica Lorer finds adventure in fields, forests, riverbanks, cities, small towns, and libraries. She is a storyteller, freelance writer, singer-songwriter, face and body painter, poet, and the host of Saskatoon’s literary arts program ‘Lit Happens’. She has had short stories and poems published i...
Public Video
Let's Talk Science - LIVE STEM 23-24: Plants and Climate (Grades 1-3)
Series: Let’s Talk Science
During this two-part experience, you’ll discover how to easily implement climate education into the classroom while seeing how outer space can engage students.
At the same time, students will:
Develop their observation and prediction skills as they prepare to complete a seed investig...
Public Video
Parlons sciences - STIM en direct 23-24: Plantes et climat (Niveaux 4e-6e)
Series: Let’s Talk Science
Au cours de cette expérience en deux parties, vous découvrirez comment intégrer facilement l’éducation au climat dans votre classe tout en observant comment l’espace peut stimuler l’intérêt des élèves.
Vos élèves enrichiront leurs:
Capacités d’observation et de prédiction en se prépa...
Public Video
Parlons sciences - STIM en direct 23-24: Plantes et climat (Niveaux 1re-3e)
Series: Let’s Talk Science
Au cours de cette expérience en deux parties, vous découvrirez comment intégrer facilement l’éducation au climat dans votre classe tout en observant comment l’espace peut stimuler l’intérêt des élèves.
Vos élèves enrichiront:
Leurs capacités d’observation et de prédiction en se prépa...
Public Video
Parlons sciences - STIM en direct 23-24: Les détectives sensoriels (Niveaux Petite enfance-Maternelle)
Series: Let’s Talk Science
Ils feront des observations à l'aide de leurs cinq sens et pourront s'exercer à faire des prédictions.
Public Video