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Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

Two Worlds Colliding

This documentary chronicles the story of Darrell Night, an Indigenous man who was dumped by two police officers in a barren field on the outskirts of Saskatoon in January 2000, during -20° C temperatures. He survived, but he was stunned to hear that the frozen body of another Indigenous man was d...

NFB Video

We Were Children

Warning: this film contains disturbing content and is recommended for audiences 16 years of age and older. Parental discretion, and/or watching this film within a group setting, is strongly advised. If you need counselling support, please contact Health Canada. In this feature film, the profound...

NFB Video

We Were Children

Warning: this film contains disturbing content and is recommended for audiences 16 years of age and older. Parental discretion, and/or watching this film within a group setting, is strongly advised. If you need counselling support, please contact Health Canada. In this feature film, the profound...

NFB Video

In Other Words

This program focuses on students as they discuss the cruel language and hurtful behaviour that they frequently experience. In Other Words shows ways that gay and lesbian students deal with homophobia and harassment. The film emphasizes the importance of support groups and it stresses that change ...

The Real Avatar

Under the shadow of the Cordillera del Condor mountains, and near where the mighty Amazon river begins, live the Awajun and Wampis peoples, a proud warrior nation never conquered by the Incas or the Spanish. Today they feel they are being invaded again, as Peruvian and Canadian mining companie...


Are you being served? / Coffee cups update

Are you being served?: Scanning your own groceries, booking your travel, printing your own tickets, selecting your own seats. It’s not just about convenience: we’re doing a lot of work ourselves that companies used to do for us. But while we’re doing the work, are we seeing the savings? - - Co...


For Man Must Work or The End of Work

This feature documentary offers a reflection on the changing reality of work. The 20th century has seen the creation of colossal wealth and exploding economies. Yet, the days of industry providing mass employment are over. In the global economy, human resources are being replaced more and more by...

NFB Video


This Small Talk episode looks at the power of relationships and what makes someone a friend.


The Great Cheese Robbery with Scott Thompson

Bookaboo and Kids in the Hall legend Scott Thompson share a story about a mouse on a mission to pull off The Great Cheese Robbery – and a family of elephants who try to stop him.


Reconnaissance, évaluation et prévention des risques

Ce programme a été conçu pour expliquer le concept de la reconnaissance, de l'évaluation et de la prévention des risques. Il aborde les principes sous-jacents, examine la signification de chacune des composantes du concept et explique minutieusement le rôle de ce concept dans le domaine de la séc...

Comprendre les dangers liés au soudage

Les procédés de soudage sont extrêmement techniques et peuvent créer des conditions de travail dangereuses. Le soudage oxyacétylénique et le soudage à l'arc électrique présentent des risques de sécurité et de santé aux soudeurs et aux travailleurs situés à leur proximité. L'exposition à ces risqu...

Show Don't Tell. The Process

This video explores how students clearly understanding the purpose of the unit can lead to deeper engagement and a sense of community.

No Place Called Home

This cinéma vérité documentary is an intimate look inside one family’s struggle with poverty. Kay Rice, her partner Karl and 6 children move from town to town in search of affordable housing. Unable to find steady work, the Rices rely on food banks and charity to make ends meet. "I know we're p...

NFB Video

For Angela

This short film portrays the experiences of Rhonda Gordon and her daughter, Angela, when a simple bus ride changes their lives in an unforeseeable way. When they are harassed by three boys, Rhonda finds the courage to take a unique and powerful stance against ignorance and prejudice. What ensues ...

NFB Video

Family Motel

This feature film tells the story of a Somali refugee who confronts the unexpected when she and her teenage daughters are evicted from their apartment for arrears in rent. Even working two jobs as a cleaner, headstrong and determined Ayan finds it tough to scrape by in Canada, let alone send mone...

NFB Video
Displaying videos 511 - 525 of 931 in total