Recommended Online Video Education Resources
- Videos
- Arts Education
- Career Education
- English Language Arts
- Health Education
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Practical & Applied Arts
- Level 10
- Accounting
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Design Studies
- Drafting
- Driver Education
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Food Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Information Processing
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
Level 20
- Accounting
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Design Studies
- Drafting
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Forestry Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Information Processing
- Life Transitions
- Machining
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Theatre Arts
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
Level 30
- Accounting
- Agriculture Studies
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Drafting
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Entrepreneurship
- Food Studies
- Forestry Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Housing
- Information Processing
- Interior Design
- Life Transitions
- Machining
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Theatre Arts
- Tourism, Hospitality and Entrepreneurship
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
- Level 10
- Science
- Social Studies
Series: Bouge avec Mimik
Bouge avec Mimik utilise le mime et la danse accompagnée de chants pour encourager les jeunes enfants à dépenser leur énergie avec de la participation active. L'expression de soi s'enseigne en utilisant le langage du corps, le mouvement, l'appropriation de l'espace, la coordination motrice à travers des jeux amusants, interactifs et d'imitation. Ceci permettra aux enfants d'acquérir des connaissances de la langue par des gestes et des mouvements du corps et d'exprimer leurs émotions avec différents mouvements faciaux.
- Duration 4:00
- R Number R070529
- License Idello Streaming License
Suggested Uses
- Immersion >  Programme d'études interdisciplinaire >  1re année
- Immersion >  Programme d'études interdisciplinaire >  2e année
(Click on the link above to see additional videos recommended for a specific suggested use.)