The Real Avatar

Under the shadow of the Cordillera del Condor mountains, and near where the mighty Amazon river begins, live the Awajun and Wampis peoples, a proud warrior nation never conquered by the Incas or the Spanish. Today they feel they are being invaded again, as Peruvian and Canadian mining companies aim to set up a gold mine on land these natives say is their traditional territory. In fact, the Awajun had an agreement for the establishment of a National Park along the Cordillera that would protect their land. But the Awajun found their agreement broken, quite literally in two, when Peru's president gave half the area over to mining interests. Studies indicate that mining here would devastate the area's water system – water that flows to the downstream Awajun communities. Peru is in the midst of an unprecedented resource “rush” – 72% of the jungle has been zoned for oil development alone. And according to recent studies, in just 10 years nearly half the Peruvian rainforest, one of the most biologically diverse areas on Earth, may be past the point of no return if current rates of deforestation continue. In The Real Avatar, David Suzuki sets off for the Amazon to investigate the effect this rush is having on the native peoples who call this land their home.




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