Moment of Truth: Steven Truscott Update

For more than 45 years, the murder of teenager Lynn Harper and the fate of the boy convicted of her killing, Steven Truscott, has haunted this country. At the age of 14, Steven Truscott was sentenced to hang for the crime. After 10 years behind bars, his sentence was commuted and Truscott disappeared in anonymity, living under another name in southern Ontario. But lingering doubts about Truscott’s trial and details around the murder never went away. Several years ago, The Fifth Estate uncovered evidence that showed the case against Truscott was dubious at best. In an exclusive interview, Canada finally saw the man Truscott had become — a hardworking, dedicated father and grandfather, surrounded by people who passionately believe in his innocence. Now, Truscott faces what may be his final battle to clear his name; his conviction is before an appeals court and The Fifth Estate updates its coverage of one of the most famous and controversial stories in Canadian history.




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