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IV. New Ways of Sharing Student Learning With Parents & Families
Series: Parent Engagement
Video 4 of 7: Shares the experience of teachers at Howard Coad School who consulted with parents about what they would like to know about their students' successes at school. Teacher vignettes explain new ways of sharing such as: using "I can" statements to represent students' understanding of curricular outcomes, using portfolios to demonstrate students' learning and creating photo stories to explain students' unique abilities and achievements. This video series is supported by the provincial Early Years Outcome Team and the Ministry of Education.
- Duration 33:00
- Content Canada | Saskatchewan | FNMI
- ROVER ID R010547
- R Number R010547
- License Rights in Perpetuity
Public Video
Grade Levels
Suggested Uses
- Kindergarten >  Grade Kindergarten
- Prekindergarten >  Grade Prekindergarten
(Click on the link above to see additional videos recommended for a specific suggested use.)