
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

Coping with the Stress of Graduation

Going to school for the first time can be a nervous time for many students, but so can graduating. There are academic and financial pressures and sometimes, these can be unbearable. This video looks at the class of 2011 in one Canadian school and at a new program designed to help students cope wi...

Amanda Lindhout's African Journey

Amanda Lindhout is a young Canadian journalist who is held hostage in Somalia for more than a year. This video follows Lindhout as she returns to Africa to try to provide hope to Somali women.

The Vancouver Riot. What Went Wrong?

A riot erupts in downtown Vancouver after the Canucks lose the last game of the 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs. Hundreds of people go on a rampage, fight with each other, set fires and loot stores. This video examines the riot and what went wrong.

Terry Fox. Remembering a Canadian Hero

It's been 30 years since Terry Fox dies in a British Columbia hospital, one month short of his 23rd birthday and nine months after he was forced to give up his cross-Canada run to raise money for cancer research. This video looks at his legendary run and his enduring legacy.

The Life and Death of Jack Layton

On August 22, 2011, Jack Layton dies of cancer at his home in Toronto. His death shocks many Canadians and leaves the New Democratic Party aimless just three months after becoming the Official Opposition. This video looks at the life and death of Jack Layton and what his death could mean for his ...

Libya and the Fall of Gadhafi

Rebel forces seize the Libyan capital of Tripoli and end the 42-year dictatorship of Moammar Gadhafi. The rebels are assisted by air strikes from NATO planes, including some from Canada. This video looks at the Libyan Revolution and examines Canada's role in the conflict.

War and Famine in Somalia

In Somalia, a long drought is causing mass starvation. It is threatening the lives of millions of people, and a civil war is making it hard to help them. This video looks at the desperate situation and what is being done to try to feed the hungry.

The 9/11 Attacks. Ten Years Later

On September 9, 2001, a group of terrorists carry out a devastating assault on the United States. Two planes crash into the World Trade Center in New York City, another one into the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a fourth one is downed in a field in Pennsylvania. This video discusses the impact o...

The Massacre in Norway

Andres Behring Breivik goes on a rampage in Norway. He detonated a bomb in Oslo and then opens fire at a youth camp. Seventy-six people are killed and many others injured. This video looks at the tragedy and what drove the gunman to kill so many people.

Life, Work and Smartphones

A new generation of cellphones is changing the way people live and work. This video explores why smartphones are so popular and examine some of the drawbacks and the dangers.

Revising the History of the Americas

Scientists have long assumed that humans arrived in the Americas by crossing a land corridor in the north about 13,000 years ago. There is evidence they may have arrived long before that and by an entirely different route. This video looks at that evidence and what it could mean for the prehistor...

The Real Story of the King's Speech

The British movie, The King's Speech, is the big winner at the Academy Awards ceremony. It tells the story of King George VI's struggle to overcome a speech impediment. This video examines how much of the film is history, and how much is Hollywood.

Canadians Vote in a Spring Election

On March 25, 2011, Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government is defeated in the House of Commons. The Governor General dissolves Parliament and an election date is set for May 2nd. This video looks at the campaign, the issues and the final result.

Canada and the Afghanistan Legacy

In July, Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan will come to an end. About 2,000 soldiers stationed in Kandahar will be withdrawn and about 1,000 others will stay to train Afghan forces. This video looks at Canada's nine-year combat mission and what it managed to accomplish.

The Uprising of Libya

Moammar Gadhafi ruled the North African country of Libya for more than 40 years. In February, 1011, the wave of protest that sweeps through the region catches up with him. There is a popular uprising and a vicious civil war erupts. This video examines the fighting and its impact on the rest of th...

Displaying videos 751 - 765 of 969 in total