Physical Education Wellness 10
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
Acid Rain: Requiem or Recovery
Leaf Mandala
Daisy is inspired by a sunflower to create a nature craft that celebrates the beautiful patterns of nature! Daisy and the Gumboot Kids gather special shapes from nature to make DIY mandalas, creating their own exciting patterns.
New Identity (1946-1970)
Canada experiences a boom time after the war, but not all are happy with the status quo. They seek to reshape the country and challenge dark legacies of injustice. The circle of Confederation grows and Canada emerges as a complex and cosmopolitan nation on the world stage. Features stories/eve...
Years of Hope and Anger
Episode 16: 1964 to 1976 CE. The 1960s and 1970s are an era of ferment on every level: politics, culture and personal life. Quebec's Quiet Revolution and youth movements across North America challenge the status quo. Some events bring the country together: a new flag is introduced and Ca...
#StandForCanada Youth Challenge: Grade 9 students at Holy Trinity Catholic High School
This video was created by Grade 9 students in Ms. Di Felice's Native Studies class at Holy Trinity Catholic High School in Kanata, Ontario, for our #StandForCanada Youth Challenge. In a probing newscast, HT students examine Canada 150 through the lens of treaties, Indigenous rights and reconci...
Treaty 8 and Native Taxation
A Federal Court ruling on Treaty 8, which states that Natives are not required to pay taxes, is being appealed. This documentary explores the history of the Treaty and the implications for Natives and non-natives across the country. Today, in High Prairie, Alberta, many businesses are owne...
Treaties, Reconciliation and Indigenous History in Canada
How well do Canadians know Indigenous history? What role did treaties play in forming our country? Are the stories told through truth and reconciliation changing our understanding of Canadian history? Moderated by award-winning journalist Duncan McCue, host of Cross Country Checkup...
Battle for a Continent
Episode 4: 1754 to 1775 CE. A period of a little more than two decades in the mid-18thcentury changes the destiny of North America. England and France battle each other in the Seven Years' War, a conflict that begins as a clash between les Canadiens and land-h...
Becoming Canadian, Episode 2
Mohamad left war-torn Lebanon to become a medical doctor in Canada. Mo has a career she never would have imagined possible back in China. After leaving Trinidad, Jerome rediscovered his love of soccer in his new home country. After hearing about the "politeness" of Canada, Annabelle and Aidan ...
Focus on Coding and Numeracy: Grades 4-6
Focus on Coding and Numeracy: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Mistress Madeleine
Places Not Our Own
Saskatchewan's apology for Sixties Scoop leaves survivors with mixed feelings
Starting in the 1950s, about 20,000 Indigenous children across Canada were seized from their birth families and relocated to non-Indigenous homes, where many were stripped of their language, culture and any ties to their families. For some, the apology was long overdue and welcomed. For others...