Level 20 Drafting

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

Arc Welding: Safety and Technique

Series: Safetycare
Electric arc welding is an industrial process which enables users to fuse two separate pieces of metal into a solid mass. This program shows correct and safe techniques as well as equipment knowledge including: an explanation of the arc welding process and how it works; workshop, personal, and eq...

A Deadly Earthquake Devastates Haiti

On January 12, a powerful earthquake strikes Haiti. More than 100,000 people are killed, and about a million others are left homeless. This story looks at Haiti's tragedy, and how Canada and other countries help the survivors.

The Internet. Forty Years Later

It's been forty years since the Internet was born. Since then it has revolutionized our world. But it has also brought with it a host of new problems. This story looks at the birth of the Internet and examines some issues that are clouding its future.

The Great U.S. Health Care Debate

Shortly after assuming office, U.S. President Barack Obama announces plans to reform his country's health care system. The announcement set off a debate with both sides citing Canada's Medicare system to back up their arguments.

The Copenhagen Climate Change Summit

In December, 192 nations gather in Copenhagen to discuss climate change. The plan was to begin drafting a document to replace the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012.

Keeping Up with the Swine Flu

Last Spring the swine or H1N1 flu first arrived in Canada. Thousands became ill, and by the end of the summer 78 people had died. Now a second wave of this pandemic flu bug is sweeping across the country.

Adoption. Looking for a Baby Abroad

Every year, for a number of reasons, many Canadians adopt children in foreign countries. International adoptions can provide them with the baby they always wanted, but they can also be expensive and frustrating.

Canada and Stranded Canadians

Abousfian Abdelrazic and Suad Hagi Mohamud are two Canadians who shared a common ordeal in two different places. They find themselves in a foreign country and not allowed to come home. This report looks at their stories and why they and others have accused the Canadian government of abandoning it...

Autism. Living with Difference

Autism is a complex biomedical condition that is not yet completely understood. It can cause people to have trouble communicating or engage in repetitive behaviour. The traditional approach has been to try to treat it or cure it, but now some are questioning that emphasis.

Afghanistan's Troubled Election

In late August, Afghans went to the polls to choose a President and members of the provincial council. Canada's troops in that war torn country help provide security so the vote could take place. But the election was marred by violence and voting irregularities.

Asbestos. Canada's Ugly Secret

Asbestos is a mineral that was once widely used in the construction industry. Canada produces about ten percent of the world's supply, but because it can cause severe lung problems, its use in Canada is limited. Instead, most of it is shipped to developing countries. Asbestos sales are helping a ...

Walking Alone

A young man describes how his experiences led him on the path to a healthier lifestyle. When Shawn Bernard started a rap group, he never dreamed it would turn into an Aboriginal gang. He became a drug dealer and lived a high-risk lifestyle that ultimately led to tragedy. Shawn raps about the stru...

Two Spirited

This program is about a gay man who followed his passion for women's jingle dancing and sewing costumes. This young man faced rejection from an Elder at a Kamloops pow wow, but managed to recover his self-esteem. It also tells of the history of two-spirited people in the First Nations culture. Tw...

Hooked Up. NDNs Online

Single mother Michelle plunges into the world of online dating. As a newcomer relating her experiences through a video diary, she navigates the humorous ins and outs of building an alluring profile to deciphering internet chat slang to getting her webcam to work. Along the way, Michelle learns th...

His Guidance Okiskinotahewewin

This short film examines a drummer's personal relationship to the drum, from his first encounter with a powwow drum and how that experience changed his life, to its role as a spiritual mentor and guide. For this proud drumkeeper, the drum is a way of life and a means of maintaining a strong conne...

Displaying videos 136 - 150 of 170 in total