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Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

What Shall We Do?

Briefly reviews the portrayal of women and violence across the various forms of media seen in previous episodes. It examines a range of actions media consumers can take to influence the portrayal of women in the media.

A Taste for Violence

Looks at the portrayal of women and violence in programming aimed at youth. In this episode, discussion focuses on peer pressure and cross-media marketing techniques and what can be done to protect children. It also deals with the normalization of sexually violent or pornographic imagery that now...

Media and Reality

Looks at the portrayal of women in informational, entertainment and dramatic programming. It reviews issues of gender stereotyping, humour, gender equity and the commercial exploitation of stories of women as victims.

The Introductions

Introduces viewers to the portrayal of women in the media. It helps viewers identify and focus on media images and begin to name violent imagery. It sets contemporary media imagery in the context of a lengthy history of images of women. It discusses the links between the portrayal of women in the...

Contemporary Traces

Series: Dance Alive
Contemporary Traces examines the work of two inspiring Saskatchewan choreographers, Robin Poitras and Tracy Pfeifer. Each choreographer's approach to the art of dance-making is explored through interviews and excerpts from: "Tangora," choreographed by Robin Poitras, performed by Robin Poitras and...

Wisdom Keepers

Series: Dance Alive
In Wisdom Keepers, from the Dance Alive series, powwow dances such as the Grass, Jingle and men's and women's Fancy dances are demonstrated. History and issues surrounding First Nations dances are discussed and dancers are interviewed.

Folk Stage Dance

Series: Dance Alive
Choreographers of folk stage dance look back to the traditions of the mother country for inspiration while being influenced by the contemporary culture of their adopted homeland. This video features a Ukrainian dance group (Poltava Ensemble) and two of the oldest and most vital folk stage dance c...

Autism Videoconference with Dr. Temple Grandin, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part program. On January 16, 1996, Saskatchewan Learning's Special Education Unit hosted a conference on autism. The conference featured a presentation by Dr. Temple Grandin, an adult with autism who has a highly successful career. Dr. Grandin spoke via closed-circuit te...


Autism Videoconference with Dr. Temple Grandin, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part program. On January 16, 1996, Saskatchewan Learning's Special Education Unit hosted a conference on autism. The conference featured a presentation by Dr. Temple Grandin, an adult with autism who has a highly successful career. Dr. Grandin spoke via closed-circuit te...


Arts Education. The Dance Strand

Series: Arts Education
The video gives an overview of the dance strand in the Saskatchewan Arts Education curriculum, kindergarten to grade five. Two classes, a grade three class and a grade five and six class, demonstrate. The video shows excerpts from each class' dance unit. It highlights the range of activities and ...


Arts Education. Drama in Context

Series: Arts Education
This video was produced to facilitate teachers' understanding of the approach to the learning and teaching of drama recommended in the Drama strand of Saskatchewan Arts Education curriculum. The video shows excerpts of a drama in which a multi-graded class, students in grades 1 to 5 and their tea...



Examines images of women in advertising. It shows the viewer the "world of creative choices behind the image." Viewers begin to interpret the implicit and explicit messages about women in advertising images by analyzing particular techniques which are used to make the image.

Displaying videos 1066 - 1077 of 1077 in total