Professional Resources:
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
Enhancing Assessment Literacy
Series: EYE Webinars
This webinar examines effective assessment practices for the early years and offers general guidelines for responding appropriately to the EYE screen. Content also includes facilitating responsive instruction as related to EYE results.
Public Video
How to Support Trans Students
This young man describes his experience about being a transgender student in his school and the support that is needed from school staff for him to maintain positive mental health.
Public Video
Advice for Teachers
Youth offer suggestions to help create inclusive environments, such as using the proper pronouns, addressing bullying behaviour and accepting LGBTQ youth for who they are.
Public Video
Hudson Bay Child Care Co-operative/Early Learning Centre
Series: Virtual Site Tours
Shelly Sjuberg, Director of Hudson Bay Early Learning Cooperative, provides a virtual tour of the three early learning programs in the community of Hudson Bay. Shelly highlights the strong community connections that have been built with local businesses, community services, school and families. T...
Fitness Appraisals
This video contains demonstrations of 11 different fitness appraisals. Fitness appraisals can be used for assessment but should not be used for evaluation. They provide a snapshot of students' health-related fitness levels. Developing the class benchmarks collaboratively can help students develop...
Dynamic Warm Ups
This is a series of 10 demonstrations of warm-up activities for physical education classes. Each demonstration is approximately 10-20 seconds in length. Activities included are:
1. Carioca
2. Shuffle
3. Heels Up
4. Jogging With Circles
5. Knee Hug Lunge
6. Knee Drive
7. Rewind
8. Side Shuffle wi...
Circuit Training. Upper Body Exercises
This video demonstrates 21 different upper body exercises. Each demonstration is approximately 10-20 seconds in length. The exercises demonstrated are:
1. Push-Up
2. Fly**
3. Biceps Curl**
4. Triceps Dip
5. Triceps Extension**
6. Lat Pull Down**
7. Shoulder Press**
8. Decline Push-Up
9. ...
Circuit Training. Lower Body Exercises
This video demonstrates 24 different upper body exercises. Each demonstration is approximately 10-20 seconds in length. The exercises demonstrated are:
1. Squats**
2. Jump Squats
3. Hamstring Curl*
4. Medicine Ball Leg Lifts
5. Lunge - Using Band**
6. Lunge
7. Calf Raises
8. Skip Tw...
Circuit Training. Core Body Exercises
This video demonstrates 21 different upper body exercises. Each demonstration is approximately 10-20 seconds in length. The exercises demonstrated are:
1. Plank
2. Hipsters
3. V-Sit Tap
4. Jackknife*
5. Crunch
6. Superman
7. Side Plank
8. Russian Twist
9. Prone Ball Roll*
10. Leg Lift -...
Circuit Training Classroom Set Up
A step-by-step procedure for including dynamic warm-up and circuit training into the beginning of a physical education class.
The EAL Journey
This is a recording of the training session "The EAL Journey" hosted by Northwest School Division (NWSD) on June 1, 2016 at Neilburg Composite School, Neilburg. The topics covered include an overview of Common Framework of Reference, initial assessments developed by NWSD, supports to guide instru...
Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Ten
Barry Ahenakew shares the story of the Sacred Tree of Life.
Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Nine
Elder Velma Goodfeather from the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation shares stories and wisdom.
Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Eight
Elder Joe O'Watch from the Carry the Kettle Nakota First Nation shares stories and wisdom.
Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Seven
Knowledge Keeper Jessie Sylvestre from the Buffalo River Dené First Nation shares stories and wisdom.