Level 20 Theatre Arts

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

The 9/11 Attacks. Ten Years Later

On September 9, 2001, a group of terrorists carry out a devastating assault on the United States. Two planes crash into the World Trade Center in New York City, another one into the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a fourth one is downed in a field in Pennsylvania. This video discusses the impact o...

The Massacre in Norway

Andres Behring Breivik goes on a rampage in Norway. He detonated a bomb in Oslo and then opens fire at a youth camp. Seventy-six people are killed and many others injured. This video looks at the tragedy and what drove the gunman to kill so many people.

Life, Work and Smartphones

A new generation of cellphones is changing the way people live and work. This video explores why smartphones are so popular and examine some of the drawbacks and the dangers.

The Real Story of the King's Speech

The British movie, The King's Speech, is the big winner at the Academy Awards ceremony. It tells the story of King George VI's struggle to overcome a speech impediment. This video examines how much of the film is history, and how much is Hollywood.

Canada and the Afghanistan Legacy

In July, Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan will come to an end. About 2,000 soldiers stationed in Kandahar will be withdrawn and about 1,000 others will stay to train Afghan forces. This video looks at Canada's nine-year combat mission and what it managed to accomplish.

The Uprising of Libya

Moammar Gadhafi ruled the North African country of Libya for more than 40 years. In February, 1011, the wave of protest that sweeps through the region catches up with him. There is a popular uprising and a vicious civil war erupts. This video examines the fighting and its impact on the rest of th...

Japan and the Nuclear Nightmare

A massive earthquake rocks a large area of northern Japan. The quake is followed by a huge tsunami that kills thousands of people and badly damages a nuclear power plant. This video looks at the quake aftermath and at the desperate attempts to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.

How Facebook Changed the World

Beginning as a college dorm project, Facebook is now an international giant. It has more than half a billion users, and Canadians are among its biggest fans. This video examines the rise of the social media giant and at the many ways it is changing the world.

Vacation Nightmare in Mexico

Millions of Canadians vacation in Mexico; so many people are shocked when an explosion ripped through a Mexican resort. Seven people, including five Canadians, are killed and many others are injured. The video examines what really happened and how the truth may have been covered up to protect the...

Egypt and the Days of Anger

A popular revolt erupts in Egypt. Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians take to the streets to demand the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. When Mubarak refused, violent clashes break out and the country descends into a near state of anarchy.

How Healthy are Canadians?

A recent poll showed that many Canadians are not as healthy as they think they are. They eat too much of the wrong foods, they don't exercise enough and a sizable majority complain about being tired all the time. This program examines these lifestyle problems and examines ways we can live healthi...

Haiti in a Time of Cholera

Less than a year after being rocked by an earthquake, Haiti found itself reeling from a cholera epidemic. This video examines the ongoing misery of the Haitian people and the slow pace of recovery for the impoverished nation.

The Assassination of Rafik Hariri

This video focuses on a CBC investigative documentary that has uncovered information about the assassination of Lebanese political leader Rafik Hariri in 2005. The information in the documentary has potentially explosive implications for that country and the entire Middle East.

Mighty Jerome

Filmed in black-and-white, this video program is about Harry Jerome. Harry was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in 1940. In 1951, his family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. Harry started to focus on track and field events in 1959. Harry's speed provided him with opportunities on the trac...

Four Feet Up

This program follows the lives of 8-year-old Isaiah and his family for one year. His parents struggle to overcome addictions, abuse and dysfunction in the home as they seek to provide the basic necessities and opportunities for Isaiah and his siblings. Isaiah knows he is less fortunate, but does ...

Displaying videos 91 - 105 of 170 in total