Level 20 Tourism, Hospitality and Entrepreneurship

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

Blind Spot: What Happened to Canada's Aboriginal Fathers?

This video program explores the issue of First Nations children who grow up without their fathers - the "blind spot." Two central themes in the program can lead to classroom discussion. First, the decimation of the buffalo stripped males of their role as providers and protectors. Moving First Nat...

What is It About Us That You Don't Like?

In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. The five lectures are: - "You'll Never Believe What Happened" Is Always a Great Way to Start - You're Not the Ind...

A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark

In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. The five lectures are: 1. "You'll Never Believe What Happened" Is Always a Great Way to Start; 2. You're Not the ...

Let Me Entertain You

In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. The five lectures are: 1. "You'll Never Believe What Happened" Is Always a Great Way to Start; 2. You're Not the ...

You're Not the Indian I Had in Mind

In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. The five lectures are: 1. "You'll Never Believe What Happened" Is Always a Great Way to Start; 2. You're Not the ...

"You'll Never Believe What Happened" is Always a Great Way to Start

In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. The five lectures are: 1. "You'll Never Believe What Happened" Is Always a Great Way to Start; 2. You're Not the ...


Shredded is about a group of teenage boys who want to transform their bodies so they become 'shredded' like the muscular bodies of their media heroes. The film reveals the risks they're willing to take to achieve the ideal male shape, exploring supplement use and the temptations of steroids. With...

Sexy Inc.: Our Children Under the Influence (Youth Version)

Are children being pushed prematurely into adulthood? Sophie Bissonnette's documentary Sexy Inc. Our Children Under Influence - Youth Version analyzes the hypersexualization of our environment and its noxious effects on young people. Psychologists, teachers and school nurses criticize the unhealt...

Reel Injun: On the Trail of the Hollywood Indian

Neil Diamond examines the portrayal of First Nations people in cinema. Diamond travels through the U.S. and shows how the myth of the "Injun" has influenced the world's understanding and misunderstanding of First Nations people. Diamond interviews individuals such as Adam Beach, Graham Greene, Ro...

The Tamil Boat People Controversy

In mid-August a merchant ship was intercepted off the coast of British Columbia. On board were almost 500 Sri Lankan Tamils, hoping to be granted refugee status in Canada. This video looks at their journey and why they left Sri Lanka and examines the controversy over what to do with them.

Debt Nation: Personal Finances in Crisis

In this video, students will learn that Canada is a nation of debt. Today, Canadians owe more than $801 billion. Personal bankruptcies are at a record high and there are over 74 million credit cards. Students often graduate with an accumulated debt of $25,000 or more. In this video, three familie...

Iran's Summer of Discontent

In early August, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in as President of Iran after weeks of bloody unrest. Ahmadinejad was elected in June, but his opponents said the vote had been rigged and took to the streets in protest. At least 30 people are killed and hundreds are arrested.

How Canadians Are Helping Haiti

In January, the Caribbean country of Haiti is devastated by a powerful earthquake. More than 200,000 people are killed and over a million people are left homeless. Canadians react generously to the calls for help by raising millions of dollars for Haiti relief.

Workplace Housekeeping

Series: Safetycare
It is fundamental to maintain a clean, tidy and safe working environment. Workplace housekeeping will reduce the number accidents and injuries, reduce the risk of fire, improve work efficiencies, reduce fatigue, improve overall morale and improve the general look and feel of the work environment....

Working with Lathes

Series: Safetycare
The lathe is a quick and efficient means of shaping and drilling many types of metal and wood. This program covers the safe and correct use of the lathe including: workshop and operator safety; identification, correct use and maintenance of all components which make up the lathe; correct procedur...

Displaying videos 106 - 120 of 170 in total