Physical Education Wellness 10

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

LIVE Arts: Still Life Sketching with Madeleine Greenway - Grade 1/2

Series: LIVE Arts
Explore Your Voice aims to inspire youth to explore their unique talents and speak their truth. This interactive workshop brings together elements of freestyle and creative writing in rap and poetry. Students will learn about song structure, 4 bar counts for writing raps, call and response and th...

Public Video

General OneFile

A three-minute overview of the General OneFile database. This resource for students in grades 9 to 12 includes online newspapers, eBooks, magazines and journals.

Public Video

Health and Wellness

A three-minute overview of the consumer health database Heath and Wellness. This resource is suitable for students in grades 9 to 12.

Public Video

Encyclopedia Britannica

A five-minute overview of the online Encyclopedia Britannica resource for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12.

Public Video

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Last Call: Season 7 Episode 5

Paramedics: Emergency Response follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail the tria...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - A Cardiac Event: Season 7 Episode 3

Paramedics: Emergency Response follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail the tria...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Shock and Awe: Season 7 Episode 4

Paramedics: Emergency Response follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail the tria...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Pumped on Adrenaline: Season 7 Episode 2

Paramedics: Emergency Response follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail the tria...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - You Could Die Tonight: Season 7 Episode 1

Paramedics: Emergency Response follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail the tria...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Gratitude: Season 6 Episode 5

Paramedics: Emergency Response: Season 6 follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail the trials and tri...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Drug Demon Ghost: Season 6 Episode 4

Paramedics: Emergency Response: Season 6 follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detai...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Kidnapped and Stabbed: Season 6 Episode 3

Paramedics: Emergency Response: Season 6 follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detai...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Temporary Insanity: Season 6 Episode 2

Paramedics: Emergency Response: Season 6 follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detai...

Paramedics: Emergency Response - Aggravated Assault: Season 6 Episode 1

Paramedics: Emergency Response Season 6 follows select teams of paramedics at Saskatoon’s Medavie Ambulance as they deal with emergency calls ranging from life-threatening to broken bones to false calls. In each episode, paramedics respond to several emergency calls and detail...

Module 5 Invitations for Learning

In setting up an environment that is full of opportunity, it is important to consider the use of invitations for learning.

Public Video
Displaying videos 76 - 90 of 1040 in total