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Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent


Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. Filmmaker Jobie Weetaluktuk mixes archival and new footage to make a statement about the appropriation of Inuit culture throughout history.

Little Thunder

Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. This animated short, inspired by the Mi'kmaq legend The Stone Canoe, explores Aboriginal humour. We follow Little Thunder as he reluctantly leaves his family and sets out on a cross-country canoe...

Red Ochre

Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. Combining archival photos with new and found footage, Red Ochre is a personal, impressionistic rendering of what it's like growing up Mi'kmaq in Newfoundland, while living in a culture of denial.


Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. Trapper is a beautiful short film without words that captures the quiet dignity of a day in the life of a Northern trapper. It is part of a collection of 13 short films on the theme of "nationhood."

The Visit

Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. The Visit tells the true story of a Cree family's strange encounter one winter night, which results in a conversation beyond words.


Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. This animation follows medicine man on a walk in the woods that leads to the discovery of an intriguing secret world.

Wave a Red Flag

Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. On her way to school, a teenage girl's display of Native pride sparks a celebration of community and culture.


Luis Moreno-Ocampo is the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). He investigates and prosecutes some of the world's worst criminals for some of the world's worst crimes. Prosecutor follows the controversial Moreno-Ocampo through the court's first trials that will determine wh...

Titanic. The Canadian Story

It's been 100 years since the giant passenger liner Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland. This video looks at the impact of the disaster, particularly people in Halifax, where many of the dead are buried.

The NDP Chooses a New Leader

In the last election the New Democratic Party became the official opposition in Parliament. Three months later its leader, Jack Layton, dies of cancer and a race begins to succeed him. This video looks at that race and how Thomas Mulcair became the NDP's new leader.

Burma and the Great Awakening

For 50 years the Southeast Asian country of Burma is ruled by a brutal military dictatorship. The generals have loosened their iron grip and democracy is slowly making a comeback. This video examines these democratic reforms and what they mean for the people who live there.

Budget 2012. The Axe Begins to Fall

In March 2012, Stephen Harper's Conservatives table a new budget. It outlines plans for more than $5-billion of spending cuts, as well as one for phasing out the penny. This video examines details of the budget and looks at the reaction from the opposition and other Canadians.

The Drug War in Mexico

For years, the Mexican government has been fighting that country's powerful drug cartel, and tens of thousands of people have been killed. This video looks at the drug war and why defeating the cartels is proving so difficult.

Generation One. Living in Two Worlds

Canada is a country of immigrants. This video explores "Generation One," children of immigrants who were born in Canada but are still heavily influenced by the cultures and traditions of the countries where their parents once resided.

Bill C-30 and Internet Policy

The federal government has tables a bill that many believe could threaten the civil rights of Canadians and the freedom of the Internet. Bill C-30 would require Internet service providers to gather information on their clients and allow police to access that information without a warrant.

Displaying videos 721 - 735 of 969 in total